Chat Across Borders, The Meeting Spot
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2023-04-23
Age : 54
Location : Washington State

KG7GUO here, share your call sign if you have one Empty KG7GUO here, share your call sign if you have one

Sat Apr 29, 2023 3:26 pm
I have been a licensed Ham operator since 2013. I hold technicians license and mostly do 2 meter and 70 centimeter bands. I did get in to DMR for a while, but have sort of lost interest in DMR, there isn't a lot of DMR repeaters in my area. We had one, but it was having issues so the owner decided to not fix it anymore, he still runs a analog repeater though, and I am fine just chatting on analog.

I enjoy the ham radio because its fun to meet people who share a common interest.

73's for now
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